Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday dawned and with it the realisation that the weather was horrible. I woke up with the thudding of my barbeque room door echoing through the house. I really need to fix that door. (yes, the weather gets so bad in Cape Town that we need a room to BBQ in) 

Had winter finally arrived in Cape Town? I am an eastern Cape boy and in the 22 years that I have lived in this place of 4 seasons in one day, I have always hated the weather. Upon waking, my wife and I had a simultaneous thought; What are we to do with our boys on a day like this. Shopping? No, boring. Aquarium? No, did that last weekend. What, then? I remember reading in that Westcoast Guide magazine that it is the Darling wild flower festival. Wife said. "Yesss!" I groaned. "Let’s go check it out. It will be nice for the boys too." She added, "Perhaps the weather will be better there and if it’s not, we can go and check out something else."
I know when to keep quiet.

An hour later our 2 sons were dressed, breakfasted and ready to go. Jackets, beanies and scarves were the order of the day.

We arrived in the small village of Darling and the weather was worse.

Jumping castles, wine tastings and the flower show were almost all deserted. There were a few loyalists, but they must have lived in the neighbourhood and were making up the numbers. The wind was howling. Being an Expand a Sign man, whenever the wind is like this, I look for banners. I was not disappointed.

Our Expand a Sign Flying Banners stood proud and bright in front of the dark and gloomy backdrop of the sky, with all else flapping and falling around them. The innovative design of the Flying Banner ensures they cut through wind and rain and remain standing. Unlike myself, who had no desire to be the Last Man Standing in Darling, and was just dead keen to get back home.

Expand a Sign Cape Town.

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